Avinash was originally born in Bangalore, India where his passion for drumming began when he first watched Iron Maiden live at the age of 16. At that moment he knew he wanted to play music for life.
In 2013 he graduated with a Bachelor's in Engineering in Computer Science. Soon after that -- without wasting anymore time – he started taking private drum lessons and practiced day in and day out for an entire year. Well prepared, Avinash applied to Musicians Institute in Hollywood.
Soon enough he not only got accepted to MI, but also won two prestigious scholarships. He moved to Hollywood in early 2015 where he graduated with an AA degree in Drum Performance and also Audio Engineering. He then went on to become certified in Apple Logic Pro X and Avid Pro Tools .
Avinash now plays drums for bands in both recording sessions and in live performances. He also engineers, mixes and masters music. From the moment he is awake he eats, breathes and lives for music.